My rx-5350 won't shut off


Member (SA)
Oct 24, 2018
Hi everyone, i just got this great boombox in as-is conditions and started working on it.
I've already sorted out a couple of issues but i'm kind of lost in this one, as for title, when i switch the function selector to "off/tape", the boombox won't turn off (power light still on).
The leaf switch seems to be working fine referring to my tester (contact in "radio" and "line in", no contact in in "tape" mode).
I checked for bad connections and cold solder joints but i couldn't find any.
Do you think it could be the selector switch itself? Or what else?
Thanks for any help!!


Member (SA)
Oct 24, 2018
Thanks, I didn't think about it.. But no, i don't see any sleep function available.

That's a great suggestion though... In fact if i detach CP203 (the connector that goes to the tape deck) the radio shut off normally!
So it's something related to the tape deck, i have to find out what now.


Member (SA)
Oct 24, 2018
No it's not, it need belts for sure. I was assuming that toggling the switch off would turn off the power regardless of the deck functionality... but obviously i was wrong.
I'll replace the belts and post the results (this may take some time, i don't have the proper belts yet).
Thanks for now!!


Member (SA)
Mar 1, 2015
St. Augustine, FL
If the sleep function is on and tape deck is faulty it might think it still plays and won't turn off. Multifunction switch is a weak point in RX-5350 as well.


Member (SA)
Dec 3, 2010
Chicago, IL
lazol said:
No it's not, it need belts for sure. I was assuming that toggling the switch off would turn off the power regardless of the deck functionality... but obviously i was wrong.
I'll replace the belts and post the results (this may take some time, i don't have the proper belts yet).
Thanks for now!!
You can buy belts from

The belt replacement will reset the deck. That is what I remember.

I had a faulty motor that stopped when it wanted. It drove me nuts!
Finally, I was lucky to get a working deck and replaced it.

toshik knows in and out of these Panasonic models!

JVC Floyd

Inactive (Delete)
May 6, 2009
Maryland USA.
Did you check the leaf switch on the deck that engage power when you press play?. If that mech is stuck it might hold the power on. I'm not sure if this deck can be played with the power switch off or not but its worth a look.


Staff member
Jun 3, 2009
I agree, the cassette deck thinks it is in play mode and will keep the unit on until it thinks the tape has stopped playing. Heads stuck up?


Member (SA)
Oct 24, 2018
Thanks for all the inputs, it was exactly that, the tape deck needed belts. I replaced a couple of them with some new i had, and sort of "restore" the other two i didn't have the right size.
I'll order a new set of course, but now the deck is working and when i switch the selector to tape/off it does actually shut off!
Thanks again, i'll post some pics of my new find, i'm so excited about it, got it as basically died (no radio/no cassette working) and coming back to life:))


Member (SA)
Dec 3, 2010
Chicago, IL
lazol said:
Thanks for all the inputs, it was exactly that, the tape deck needed belts. I replaced a couple of them with some new i had, and sort of "restore" the other two i didn't have the right size.
I'll order a new set of course, but now the deck is working and when i switch the selector to tape/off it does actually shut off!
Thanks again, i'll post some pics of my new find, i'm so excited about it, got it as basically died (no radio/no cassette working) and coming back to life:))
Nice! Glad to hear it is working fine!
Now your can clean all contacts with Deoxit contact cleaner before you put it all back together.
Be extra careful when you are near the VU meters. They are open with no cover on top of it. If brush bristles get there in that area it will destroy the hair spring mechanism of the needle suspension. I learned it the hard way.


Member (SA)
Oct 24, 2018
BoomboxLover48 said:
Be extra careful when you are near the VU meters. They are open with no cover on top of it. If brush bristles get there in that area it will destroy the hair spring mechanism of the needle suspension. I learned it the hard way.
Thanks for the heads up, i've noticed that when i was tilting the case toward me... almost squishing them!


Member (SA)
Oct 24, 2018
So I cleaned/lubed the deck and replaced the belts, that was the solution for the topic's problem!
The problem with the FM radio was a broken track which i repaired.
Now everything works, the only thing is that sometimes the radio cuts off for some reason (rarely, but it does). I was thinking about a weak solder joint or a power supply issue, or even an alignment problem (hope not)... i'll have to check it out, but i guess i'll open another thread about that, and i'll post some pics soon:)
Thanks everyone for your help!!


Member (SA)
Oct 24, 2018
Tape and line in working fine. Only radio and only some stations.
It's obviously a reception issue.
I've noticed that the radio seems to have something like a FM muting system: in fact when i turn the tuning wheel it's completely mute between stations, differently from all the other boomboxes i have, which give the usual static.
That's why it cuts off when the signal is not really strong.
Does it happens only to me or the 5350 works this way?


Member (SA)
Oct 24, 2018
Yes, in all modes (mono/stereo/ambience).
I don't think it's a dirty switches/ selectors issue, i tried playing with them, moving them slightly to hear any type of noise but nothing, they are totally silent and working properly.
I really think it's reception-related.
Still curious to know from other 5350 owners if in FM, between different stations, they get a completely silent signal or static. In all my other boomboxes, including the 5250, i get static.


Member (SA)
Dec 3, 2010
Chicago, IL
lazol said:
Yes, in all modes (mono/stereo/ambience).
I don't think it's a dirty switches/ selectors issue, i tried playing with them, moving them slightly to hear any type of noise but nothing, they are totally silent and working properly.
I really think it's reception-related.
Still curious to know from other 5350 owners if in FM, between different stations, they get a completely silent signal or static. In all my other boomboxes, including the 5250, i get static.
I hope your external antenna is properly hooked up. Even without extending the antenna the FM is strong.
RX 5350 FM tuning is like that with no static or howling between stations while tuning and is whisper quiet.
I forgot the technical name for that feature....
I have a few other boxes with the same feature.


Member (SA)
Oct 24, 2018
Thanks for confirming that.
The tuning is fine, the station comes clear, the stereo light comes on, and everything works: than at some point the sound cuts off, the stereo light turn off and the vu meters go at zero. Just for a second ot two, than everything works back again, sometimes for 2 minutes, sometimes for 10 minutes, and than it does it again. Also in mono is the same.
I will double check the antenna connection but i have a feeling it won't be an easy fix... i suspect a capacitor a transistor or a solder joint issue, but i may be wrong.